Security Tools
Network Security
- WireShark - Network protocol analyzer
- BetterCap - Swiss Army knife for networking security
- EtherApe - EtherApe is a graphical network monitor for Unix modeled after etherman
- justniffer - Network protocol analyzer that captures network traffic and produces logs in a customized way
- Nmap - IP Port scanner, use Zenmap for GUI
- Angry IP Scanner - Easy-to-use network scanner
- ⭐ 🖥️ Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) - Simple front-end for iptables and nftables
- Gufw - Easy to use GUI front-end for ufw
- firewalld - Deamon for iptables and nftables
- fwbuilder - Utility for configuring and managing firewalls
- 🖥️ ferm - Advanced tool for firewalls
- gnome-keyring - GNOME solution for keyrings
Vulnerability detection
- Lynis - System auditioning tool used to harden Linux distributions
- Tripwire - Intrusion detection system
- Nessus - Vulnerability scanning software
Password managers
- ⭐ Bitwarden - Cloud-based password manager
- ⭐ Proton Pass - Cloud-based Password Manager
- 🖥️ pass - Classic password manager
- QtPass - GUI for pass
- KeePassXC - Local password manager
- KDE Wallet Manager - KDE solution for password management