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General terms

  • Kernel - Kernel is an internal part of any operating system that allows the operating system to interact directly with ones hardware. While Windows uses NT kernel, Linux uses Linux kernel.

  • Distribution (Distro) - Distribution of a GNU+Linux system is your “flavour” of it. Various distributions are good for different things.


  • Desktop Environment (DE) - Dictates the appearence of the system and provides software sharing a common graphical shell.

  • Window Manager (WM) - Dictates the appearence and behaviour of windows.

  • Ricing - Process of customization of a Linux system, focusing on its looks.


  • FOSS - FOSS, also known as “Free and Open-Source Software”, is a term used to describe software, which allows free right to use, modify and distribute the software.

  • FSF - Also known as “Free Software Foundation” is a organization promoting free and open-source software. The foundation is lead by Richard Stallman and GNU.

  • Compatibility Layer - Allows to run software not programmed for Linux by translating libraries and system calls to Linux ones. Do not confuse with emulation or virtualization.

  • Command-Line Interface (CLI) - A way of interacting with a program via commands in terminal.

  • Text-Based User Interface (TUI) - A way of displaying software by only text.