General terms
Kernel - Kernel is an internal part of any operating system that allows the operating system to interact directly with ones hardware. While Windows uses NT kernel, Linux uses Linux kernel.
Distribution (Distro) - Distribution of a GNU+Linux system is your “flavour” of it. Various distributions are good for different things.
Desktop Environment (DE) - Dictates the appearence of the system and provides software sharing a common graphical shell.
Window Manager (WM) - Dictates the appearence and behaviour of windows.
Ricing - Process of customization of a Linux system, focusing on its looks.
FOSS - FOSS, also known as “Free and Open-Source Software”, is a term used to describe software, which allows free right to use, modify and distribute the software.
FSF - Also known as “Free Software Foundation” is a organization promoting free and open-source software. The foundation is lead by Richard Stallman and GNU.
Compatibility Layer - Allows to run software not programmed for Linux by translating libraries and system calls to Linux ones. Do not confuse with emulation or virtualization.
Command-Line Interface (CLI) - A way of interacting with a program via commands in terminal.
Text-Based User Interface (TUI) - A way of displaying software by only text.